I too grew up in "the Truth" and wanted to please my parents. I was idealistic and always brushed away my doubts, thinking that so many seemingly "smart" people could not all be fooled. Then came my "fake" witness marriage and I saw the "dark side" of people and had to make the conscience decision to "dam the torpedoes" and go out and enjoy a REAL life. Now, here's where my real stupidity kicked in. After all that, when my mother was dying, I allowed my grief to let the witnesses and a loving new wife, to draw me back in.
HOWEVER, this time, as a full grown "experienced in life" man, I soon realized that I was in a shame of a faith. So, still believing in the Bible and God, I thought to myself "Well, I need to worship God from somewhere; I’ll try to do it "my own way" from the JW faith. This just does not work. Why? It's easy to understand when I compare my 25 years in the corporate world with the "JW world”. The WBT$ operates like a corporation under the guise of a religion, so worship is not the priority, service is. If you want to confirm this, play the game I play at the meetings. Count the number of times you hear "worship Jehovah" versus "serve Jehovah”. You will be amazed! This test shows the true motivation of the WBT$. For every 10 times you hear "serve" or “service” to Jehovah, you will hear "worship" once. In that environment you will never gain spiritual enrichment, just frustration.
Now I still attend for my wife, the amusement I gain by hearing the stupid comments and my new found skill of doing all I can to tell the GB where they can go by ignoring all their mind controlling techniques and being a secret force for good in working to prevent others from damaging their lives like I almost did to mine.